
Neurology Specialist Consultations

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Consultation
25 000

What is neurology?

Neurology, also known as neurological medicine, is a medical specialty dealing with the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.

Neurologists perform physical examinations and may order various diagnostic tests such as:

  • CT (Computed Tomography): Uses X-rays to take pictures of the brain and spinal cord.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create pictures of the brain and spinal cord.
  • EEG (Electroencephalography): Measures the electrical activity of the brain.
  • EMG (Electromyography): Measures the electrical activity of muscles.
  • Nerve conduction studies: Measure the speed of conduction of electrical impulses along nerves.

Neurologists diagnose based on physical exams and various imaging tests and may prescribe medication, physical therapy, surgery, or other therapies depending on the diagnosis.

The role of a neurologist

The neurologist (neurologist specialist) is responsible for investigating, diagnosing, and treating complaints arising from the nervous system.

If surgical intervention is needed, a neurosurgeon will also be involved in the therapy.

During consultations, we take a comprehensive approach to assess the patient’s neurological condition, and after diagnosis, we begin designing the rehabilitation program. We establish the foundations of rehabilitation goals and develop a rehabilitation plan including steps towards recovery.

Who can benefit from seeing a neurologist?

  • Treatment of post-stroke conditions
  • Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonian syndromes
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome

We are also prepared for the rehabilitation of complex brain and skull injuries, as well as treating other neurodegenerative and peripheral nervous disorders.

When should you see a neurologist?

Many symptoms may indicate neurological problems, and it’s worth consulting a specialist (neurologist). Here are some examples:

  • Movement disorders: tremors, stiffness, slowed movements, weakness, balance problems, coordination disorders, difficulty walking, paralysis, convulsions
  • Sensory disorders: deterioration of vision, blurred or double vision, hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, loss of balance, numbness, tingling, pain
  • Cognitive disorders: memory problems, concentration difficulties, speech disorders, frequent forgetfulness, confusion, dementia
  • Headaches: strong, recurrent headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy
  • Other symptoms: loss of consciousness, fainting, dizziness, fatigue, incontinence, mood disorders, depression, anxiety

If you experience any neurological symptoms, it is important to consult a neurologist as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve recovery chances and prevent further complications.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

Here are some examples of common neurological disorders that a neurologist may treat:

  • Headaches and migraines: Pain in any part of the head, which can vary in intensity and may have various causes. Common types include tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches.
  • Cerebrovascular disorders: Conditions where the brain’s blood supply is impaired. This includes transient ischemic attacks (TIA), ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, aneurysms, and other vascular malformations.
  • Epilepsy: A neurological disorder characterized by sudden, recurrent discharges of electrical activity in the brain, manifesting as seizures.
  • Parkinson’s disease: A progressive neurodegenerative disorder that causes movement problems.
  • Neuromuscular diseases: Disorders that affect the function of the nervous system and muscles. These can be due to genetic, autoimmune, or nervous system problems. Examples include multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), myasthenia gravis.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias: Neurodegenerative diseases associated with a decline in cognitive abilities.
  • Cerebral palsy (CP): Usually occurs during fetal development or early childhood due to damage to the areas of the brain responsible for movement and muscle control.
  • Neuropathies: Damage or dysfunction of nerves. This can involve sensory, motor, or autonomic (involuntary, subconscious nervous system) components. There are many types of neuropathy, arising from various causes.
    • Other movement disorders:
    • Tremors (tremor)
    • Muscle twitching (fasciculation)
    • Tics
    • Involuntary movements (dystonia)
    • Ataxia

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Consultation

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Consultation
20 000

This medical consultation addresses patients’ musculoskeletal issues stemming from damage or dysfunction of bones, muscles, joints, or other musculoskeletal structures. These issues may include sports injuries, arthritis, spinal problems, post-surgical rehabilitation, or chronic pain conditions.

Physiotherapy - Physical Therapy

Physiotherapy Assessment
9 900
Physical Therapy
13 500
Manual Therapy
17 900

What is physical therapy? What role does it play in complex rehabilitation therapy?

Physical therapy is a fundamental part of rehabilitation aimed at preventing, rehabilitating, and treating musculoskeletal disorders. Treatments are based on medical diagnosis or recommendation, with goals set collaboratively with doctors, patients, and their immediate environment. Family members are also provided with instructions to support the patient’s recovery and the rehabilitation team’s efforts.

Goals of Physical Therapy:

  • Restore function to affected organs, systems, or body parts
  • Reduce pain
  • Decrease or eliminate mobility restrictions
  • Improve or develop muscle strength
  • Overcome muscle imbalance
  • Correct improper movement patterns, such as limping
  • Enhance cardiovascular function
  • Teach proper breathing techniques

When is physical therapy important?

  • Post-Injury Rehabilitation: Helps with rehabilitation after injuries such as muscle tears, dislocations, fractures, or surgeries. Proper exercises and therapy can restore muscle strength, joint mobility, and functional movements.
  • Chronic Pain Management: For conditions like chronic back pain, arthritis, or fibromyalgia, physical therapy can help reduce pain and improve quality of life. Special exercises and therapeutic methods strengthen affected muscle groups and improve posture.
  • Neurological Conditions: Physical therapy plays an important role in treating neurological conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or spinal cord injuries. Therapeutic methods can improve balance, coordination, and overall mobility.
  • Sports Performance and Prevention: Physical therapy is not only vital for rehabilitation after injuries but also helps athletes enhance performance and prevent injuries. Special strengthening and stretching exercises optimize muscle strength, flexibility, and joint stability.

The importance of physical therapy at different ages

Physiotherapy plays an important role in the preservation of health and the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal problems at all ages, however, the therapy focuses on different goals and tools at each age:

In the case of infants and small children:

Physiotherapy can help babies and toddlers develop their movement, improve their muscle tone and correct coordination disorders. Physiotherapists use special games and exercises that are both fun and developmental for children.

For school-age children:

It can help children develop correct posture, prevent scoliosis and rehabilitate sports injuries. Physiotherapists can advise children to increase their physical activity and reduce sitting time.

For adults:

It can help adults treat back pain, neck pain, joint pain and sports injuries. Physiotherapists put together an individual program for adults that matches their goals and physical condition.

For the elderly:

It can help seniors improve their balance, maintain mobility and prevent falls. Physiotherapists use special exercises for the elderly to help develop muscle strength and coordination.

Physiotherapy can help not only in the treatment of locomotor problems, but also in improving the general state of health. It can improve well-being and sleep quality, as well as reduce stress.

What is physiotherapy good for and when can it be used?

Physiotherapy is a widely used and safe method that can help with many health problems and injury prevention. Its main goal is to regain mobility, improve the quality of life, increase load capacity and endurance, and restore the functions necessary for everyday life and make them more active. This healing procedure aims to restore, improve or maintain locomotor functions. It is used in many areas, including:

Locomotor injuries: sports injuries, injuries, rehabilitation after surgery

Chronic diseases: arthritis, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis

Neurological problems: Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, neuropathies

Other problems: pain, balance disorders, incontinence, scoliosis

Physiotherapists use various techniques during physiotherapy, including hanging grid therapy, mobilization and stretching, strengthening, manual therapy, and physical therapy treatments (e.g. electrotherapy, ultrasound treatment, laser treatment, magnetic therapy).

When can physiotherapy be used?

Every case, every patient is different, the method and time of treatment must be decided individually by specialists and physiotherapists. Physiotherapy methods are generally effective in the case of pain resulting from most musculoskeletal diseases (back pain, lower back pain, or neck pain resulting from some form of deformity, injury, wear, or inflammation).

Physiotherapy can also be used for neurological, orthopedic, traumatological and rheumatological complaints.

Types of Physical Therapy

Passive Techniques

Important for maintaining joint range of motion, preventing contractures, enhancing blood circulation, boosting cartilage metabolism, alleviating pain, and preserving proprioception.

  •   Appropriate positioning
  •   Passive mobilization
  •   Various soft tissue techniques
  •   Therapeutic massage

Active Techniques

Enable strengthening of muscles – gradually increasing joint range of motion, enhancing circulation, developing proprioception and coordination.

Transfer Techniques

Include methods primarily for changing positions such as sitting up, transferring, and teaching walking. Physical therapists also train patients in the use of primarily mobility-enhancing assistive devices.

What is suspension grid physical therapy and when is it applicable?

Suspension grid is a tool used in physical therapy and is highly effective during rehabilitation treatments. Like hydrotherapy, it allows working with the limbs and the torso in a weight-relieved position.

During suspension grid therapies, various belts and ropes are used to achieve this weight-relieved position, which allows for positioning, mobilizing, and strengthening the affected body part. Suspension grid therapy is particularly significant in the rehabilitation of neurological patients, as unloading is crucial for initiating movement in paralyzed limbs. However, the suspension grid is not only essential in neurorehabilitation but also effectively used in trauma, rheumatology, orthopedics, and even for athletes. It can also achieve positive changes in chronic pain conditions (back pain, neck pain, lower back pain, arthritis) and other issues (spinal curvature, herniated discs, balance disorders, coordination disorders).

Its effectiveness lies in the ability to perform trunk and limb movements even in a weight-relieved position.

Using belts, ropes, and the grid system, weakened muscles can be strengthened.

For paralyzed limbs, the affected body part’s mobilization and positioning can be achieved more easily and effectively.

Who is it recommended for?

Suspension grid treatment can be recommended for many people; here are a few examples:

  • Those recovering from injuries or surgery: It can aid in unloading, improving range of motion, and increasing muscle strength during rehabilitation.
  • Those suffering from chronic pain: It can effectively alleviate back pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and pain caused by arthritis.
  • Those with balance issues: It can improve balance and coordination, thus reducing the risk of falls.
  • Those looking to improve their posture: It strengthens back and core muscles, improving posture.
  • Those looking to relieve stress: It has a relaxing effect, helping to reduce stress.
  • Athletes: It can help athletes improve their performance by increasing muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.

Suspension grid therapy is a method applicable to virtually anyone, but in certain cases, our specialists proceed with greater caution or may limit its use, e.g., joint instability, restricted joint mobility, significantly increased or decreased muscle tone, or severely mobility-restricted patients.

Robot Therapy

ReStore Robot Therapy
One session - 45 minutes
22 500
ReStore Robot Therapy
5-session pass
95 000
ReStore Robot Therapy
10-session pass
160 000
ReWalk Robot Therapy
One session - 45 minutes
29 500
ReWalk Robot Therapy
5-session pass
120 000
ReWalk Robot Therapy
10-session pass
29 500
Myomo Robot Therapy
One session - 45 minutes
25 000
Myomo Robot Therapy
5-session pass
110 000
Myomo Robot Therapy
10-session pass
200 000

ReStore Soft Exo-Suit

The ReStore exoskeleton is a specialized device developed for the rehabilitation of hemiparetic patients. The exoskeleton, worn on the lower limb, assists movement. The ReStore exoskeleton primarily enhances the walking pattern by facilitating ankle and knee movements during walking, making the walking pattern more natural and energy-efficient. By facilitating these movements, not only can the walking pattern be improved, but indirectly, balance and limb loading can be developed, and the frequency of falls can be reduced.


The device’s features and parameters can be varied in multiple ways, making the ReStore exoskeleton widely applicable among hemiparetic patients.


During therapy, the therapist can monitor and analyze the data in real time using an application and optimize joint movements.

How does ReStore work?

The exoskeleton is directed by sensors and cables powered by a battery. Sensors mounted on the lower limbs detect the walking phase of the respective limb, thus timely directing the movement of the paretic limb.

In addition to sensors, a cable runs on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the paretic limb. The contraction of the cable running on the posterior surface provides plantarflexion movement (ankle downward movement), while the cable on the anterior surface is responsible for dorsiflexion movement (ankle upward movement). The cables can be used in both taut and loose positions, thus allowing for a variety of exercise tasks.


A comprehensive physiotherapeutic assessment and a consultation always precede the use of ReStore. The robot’s use requires the patient to meet several conditions.In cases where the patient meets all criteria and parameters, therapy can begin under the supervision of professionals.

ReWalk Personal 6.0 Robotic Exoskeleton

A personalized walking aid.

With the help of the Rewalk Personal 6.0 Exoskeleton and a special crutch, people living with lower limb paralysis as a result of an accident can become able to stand, walk, turn around, or even climb stairs. The ReWalk system provides the possibility of independent walking, however, it is not suitable for sports or vigorous exercise.


In all cases, the use of ReWalk is preceded by a comprehensive physiotherapy assessment and consultation. In order to use the robot, a given patient must meet a number of conditions. If the patient meets all criteria and parameters, therapy can begin under the supervision of specialists.

  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Exclusion Criteria
    1. Adequate condition of the arms and shoulder muscles for crutch-supported walking
    2. Healthy bone density
    3. Intact skeleton (no fractures)
    4. Able to confidently stand using devices like the EasyStand
    5. Good general health condition
    6. Height: 160-190 cm; upper leg length: 43.5 cm-56 cm; lower leg: 36 cm-48.5 cm
    7. Weight not exceeding 100 kg
    1. Severe neurological history (beyond traumatic spinal injury): e.g., multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury.
    2. Existing infectious diseases
    3. Presence of pressure ulcers
    4. Severe spasticity (Modified Ashworth 4)
    5. Unstable spine, unhealthy limbs or pelvic fracture
    6. Heterotopic ossification impairing joint mobility
    7. Significant contractures (ankle >0°, knee >10°, hip flexion >0°)
    8. Inadequate psychological or mental state that could lead to injury to the user or the device.
    9. Pregnancy

Myomo Robot Therapy

The Myopro is an EMG-controlled upper limb robotic orthosis developed jointly by Harvard Medical and MIT.

The system detects signals through forearm flexor and extensor EMG sensors, which after patient-specific parameterization (sensor sensitivity, signal amplification, threshold, and range of motion), allows patients to use it independently. The wrist pronation and supination, as well as flexion and extension, can be freely configured in mechanical mode by the user. The system is usable in clinical and home environments, and even outdoors.

The clinical environment version, MyoPro MARK, contains separate units for the right and left sides, which are freely configurable.

Psychology Consultation

Psychology Consultation
21 000

What is psychology?

Psychology is the science that deals with human thinking, feelings, behavior, and motivations. Derived from the Greek words “psyche” (soul) and “logos” (science), its goal is to understand and explain human mental processes and behavior and use this knowledge to improve people’s mental health and quality of life.

Branches of psychology include:

  • General Psychology: Studies basic mental processes such as consciousness, attention, memory, thinking, learning, and emotions.
  • Developmental Psychology: Examines human development from conception to death, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth.
  • Personality Psychology: Studies individual differences in personality, thought, emotions, and behavior.
  • Social Psychology: Examines how individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others.
  • Clinical Psychology: Diagnoses and treats mental disorders.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Studies thought processes, including memory, language use, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • Biological Psychology: Investigates the role of the brain and nervous system in thinking, emotions, and behavior.
  • Neuropsychology: Studies the effects of brain injuries and abnormalities on mental functioning.
  • Medical Psychology: Examines the role of psychological factors in physical diseases and healthcare.

Psychology uses scientific methods to study the human mind and behavior, including experiments, observations, interviews, and questionnaires.

Practical applications are extensive. Psychologists diagnose and treat mental disorders, provide counseling and therapy, engage in education and research, and assist in workplaces, sports, the legal system, and other areas.

Psychology is a dynamically evolving science continuously making new discoveries about the workings of the human mind and behavior.

When should you see a psychologist?

Consider consulting a psychologist if you face life situations or problems affecting your emotional, mental, or physical well-being. Here are some examples:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Stress management issues
  • Life changes: Such as divorce, bereavement, work or school issues causing adjustment difficulties.
  • Relationship problems
  • Self-esteem and self-worth issues
  • Addictions and habits: Such as managing smoking, alcohol consumption, or other harmful habits.
  • Mental health maintenance

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy
13 900

What is speech therapy?

Speech therapy diagnoses and treats disorders of speech, language, and communication. Speech therapists are professionals who help uncover the causes of these disorders and develop effective therapeutic programs.

Speech therapy covers several areas, including:

Speech Sounds: A speech therapist can help correct articulation errors, clarify speech sounds, and achieve more fluent speech.
Language: A speech therapist can assist with delays in language development, improve language comprehension, and expand vocabulary.
Communication: A speech therapist can help those with communication difficulties to communicate more effectively with others.

Speech therapy is available for all ages. For children, it can help with speech development delays, correct speech errors, and foster language development. For adults, it can help treat speech and language disorders caused by stroke, brain injury, dementia, or other neurological diseases. Speech therapy also assists after vocal cord nodules removal, in cases of stuttering, swallowing difficulties, autism spectrum disorders, and other communication disorders.

Speech therapy treatment is personalized and depends on the patient’s individual needs. Speech therapists may use various therapeutic techniques, including exercises, games, and technological tools.

Speech therapy can be effective in treating speech, language, and communication disorders. It can help patients improve their communication skills, become more confident, and achieve a better quality of life.

Neurológiai és mozgásszervi rehabilitációs szakrendelés
25 000

Mi a Neurológia?

A neurológia, azaz az ideggyógyászat a központi (agy és gerincvelő) és perifériás (az ezekből kiinduló, egész testet átszövő érző, mozgató és vegetatív) idegrendszer szerkezeti és funkcionális elváltozásainak és betegségeinek diagnosztizálásával és kezelésével foglalkozó orvosi szakág.

A neurológus feladata

A neurológus (ideggyógyász) szakorvos feladata az idegrendszeri eredetű panaszok okának kivizsgálása, diagnosztizálása és kezelése.

Ha a panasz műtéti beavatkozást igényel, idegsebész szakorvos is részt vesz a terápiában.

A szakrendelés során komplex szemléletben felmérjük a páciens neurológiai állapotát, majd a diagnózis felállítása után megkezdjük a rehabilitációs program megtervezését. Megállapítjuk a rehabilitációs célkitűzések alapjait, illetve kidolgozzuk a rehabilitációs tervet, a gyógyuláshoz vezető lépéseket.

Kinek tud segíteni a Neurológus?

  • Stroke
  • Agyvérzés utáni állapotok kezelésében
  • Parkinson- szindróma
  • Sclerosis Multiplex-ben szenvedőknek
  • Guillain- Barré szindrómásoknak

Fel vagyunk készülve komplex agy és koponya sérültek rehabilitációjára is, de egyéb neurodegeneratív illetve perifériás idegi bántalmakat is kezelünk.

Milyen tünetekkel forduljunk Neurológushoz?

Neurológiai kórképek esetén rendkívül változatos panaszok jelentkezhetnek, az idegrendszer károsodása ugyanis más betegség szövődményeként is kialakulhat. Az alábbi tünetek jelentkezése esetén keressen fel ideggyógyász szakorvost:

  • hosszú ideje fennálló, rendkívül erős, vagy gyakran jelentkező fejfájás
  • szédülés
  • egyensúly- és mozgáskoordinációs zavar
  • végtagzsibbadás
  • gyengeség
  • beszédzavar
  • látászavar
  • vegetatív zavarok (remegés, szívdobogás érzés, emésztőrendszeri panaszok)
  • görcsök
  • eszméletvesztés
  • a gondolkodás zavara
  • memória zavarok

Milyen betegségeket kezel a neurológus?

A neurológus szakorvos a központi és környéki idegrendszert, valamint az agyi keringést érintő gyulladásos, fertőzéses, immunológiai, illetve degeneratív betegségek, valamint az idegek sérülésből adódó elváltozások kezelésével foglalkozik.

  • Fejfájások: a rohamokban jelentkező, általában féloldali fájdalmat okozó migrén, az abroncsszerű, szorító fájdalommal járó tenziós, valamint a szem környékén fellépő éles, szúró fájdalommal járó cluster fejfájás.
  • Neuropátiás fájdalmak: zsibbadó, bizsergő, szúró, áramütésszerű érzés, vagy a hideggel/meleggel szembeni túlzott érzékenység, mely többnyire az idegrendszer károsodása nyomán a végtagokban jelentkezik.
  • Gerincvelői elváltozások: porckorong összenyomódása, idegrendszeri érintettséggel járó porckorongsérv, gerincvelő keringési zavara, mely tartós fájdalommal jár.
  • Sclerosis multiplex: autoimmun betegség, melynek során a szervezet antitesteket termel az agy és gerincvelői idegeket körülvevő myelinhüvely ellen, ami ennek következtében gyulladásba kerül és az idegek károsodását okozza. Ez a hegesedés idővel megakadályozza az izmok koordinálását és az izomerőért és az érzékelésért felelős idegek ingerület továbbítását.
  • Agyi keringési zavarok: az agyi véráramlás korlátozottsága miatt alakul ki. Okozhatja hirtelen fellépő vérzéses stroke (agyvérzés), ahol a megrepedt érből kiáramló vér nyomja az agyat és az ér által ellátott terület nem kap megfelelő vérellátást. Hátterében állhat továbbá vértelen stroke (ischémiás stroke) is, amit vérrög okoz.
  • Epilepszia: az agy működési zavara, melynek során elektromos túlműködés (kisülés) jelentkezik, ami izomgörcs, tudatzavar formájában jelentkezik. Nem minden esetben jár görcsös rohammal, a kis rohamból a külső megfigyelő sokszor semmit nem vesz észre.
  • Mozgászavarok: remegés (tremor), hirtelen fellépő, akaratlan mozgás (tikkelés), izomtónus csökkenés (disztónia), koordinációs zavarok mind idegrendszeri problémára utalhatnak.
  • Alzheimer-kór: az agy idegsejtjeinek károsodásával járó neurodegeneratív betegség, mely a megismerési funkciók és a gondolkodás beszűkülésével, demenciával, illetve szellemi leépüléssel jár. A betegség lefolyása gyógyszeres kezeléssel lassítható.
  • Parkinson kór: mozgászavart okozó neurodegeneratív betegség, az izomműködést befolyásoló idegsejtek ingerületátvivő képességét rontja. A betegség jellegzetes, végtagremegéssel, ízületi merevséggel és lelassult mozgással járó tüneteket okoz.

Conductive Education

Conductive Education
13 500

Conductive education, developed by Dr. András Pető, is a habilitation and rehabilitation system that fosters holistic personality development, preparing individuals for integration regardless of age. Pető’s core idea was that the nervous system, despite damage, has reserves and the potential to form new connections, sometimes capable of self-regeneration. Conductive education mobilizes these potentials through guided learning processes. Conductors, trained specialists, develop comprehensive programs that include movement education, speech development, self-care, preschool education, and school teaching for children. Over decades, practical experiences and scientific research have proven conductive education effective in the specialized complex development and rehabilitation of individuals with central nervous system injuries, improving the quality of life across all ages.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy
12 000

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy is a rehabilitation profession that aims to improve functional independence and quality of life for the sick, injured and disabled. By using occupations and activities for therapeutic purposes, occupational therapists help patients regain their lost abilities, learn new skills, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Occupational therapy can be used in a variety of areas, including:

  • Physical rehabilitation: In case of injuries, surgeries, stroke, chronic pain
  • Psychiatric rehabilitation: In case of depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, dementia
  • Child rehabilitation: In case of developmental disorders, learning difficulties, autism spectrum disorder
  • Geriatric rehabilitation: In case of age-related mobility impairment or dementia
  • Workplace rehabilitation: In the event of a work accident or chronic illness

Occupational therapy is individualized and depends on the individual needs and goals of the patient. When developing the therapy plan, the occupational therapist takes into account the patient’s physical, cognitive, psychological and social condition, as well as the environment.

The activities used in occupational therapy range widely and may include:

  • Everyday activities: Dressing, eating, bathing, housework
  • Workplace activities: Computer use, writing, tasks requiring dexterity
  • Leisure activities: Cooking, painting, sports, listening to music
  • Creative activities: Drawing, beading, origami
  • Cognitive training: Memory exercises, attention concentration training, problem-solving
  • Occupational therapy can be effective in improving functional independence and quality of life. Ergotherapy treatment can help patients:
  • To regain their lost abilities
  • Learn new skills
  • Adapt to changing circumstances
  • Increase their self-confidence
  • Become more independent
  • Improve their social relationships
  • Live a fuller life

Who can ergotherapy help?

Occupational therapy can help people with functional or cognitive difficulties in everyday life in a wide range of ways. Here are some examples of who occupational therapy can help:

  • After injuries and surgeries
  • In stroke rehabilitation
  • In case of chronic diseases: arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain
  • In case of developmental disorders: Autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, Cerebral palsy
  • In old age: in case of limited mobility and memory problems, to prevent falls

Therapeutic massage

30 minutes
5 000
45 minutes
7 500
60 minutes
10 000

Therapeutic massage is a type of massage that is performed on medical prescription. Its aim is to treat musculoskeletal problems, reduce pain and improve functional abilities. The therapeutic massage is performed by qualified therapeutic massage therapists, who must have thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Therapeutic massage can use a variety of techniques, including:
  • Smoothing: Used to relax the skin and muscles.
  • Rubbing: Used to relax deeper muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • Kneading: Used to improve muscle tone and reduce pain.
  • Tapping: Used to stimulate muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • Vibration: Used to relax muscles and reduce pain.
Therapeutic massage can be used for many musculoskeletal problems, including:
  • Muscle pain: Back pain, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain
  • Muscle stiffness: Contractures, arthritis
  • Sports injuries: Strains, sprains, sprains
  • Post-operative rehabilitation: Restoring movement functions
  • Age-related mobility limitations: Maintenance of muscle mass and movement functions

Therapeutic massage can be effective in treating musculoskeletal problems, reducing pain and improving functional abilities. Therapeutic massage is a safe and non-invasive treatment with few side effects.

 Therapeutic massage is contraindicated:
  • In case of acute inflammation
  • In case of injuries
  • In case of infectious diseases
  • In case of malignant tumor diseases
  • During pregnancy

Több napon átívelő terápiáink igénybevétele esetén a Központ épületében kiegészítő szolgáltatásként szálláslehetőséget is biztosítunk, elősegítve hogy pácienseinknek ne az utazásra és a vele járó kellemetlenségekre, hanem valóban a gyógyulásra tudjanak koncentrálni.

5 napos intenzív terápia esetén

Szállás 1 fő részére
5 éjszakára
65 000
Szállás 2 fő részére
5 éjszakára
110 000
Szállás 3 fő részére
5 éjszakára
130 000

Az árak kizárólag apartmanjainkra vonatkoznak, nem tartalmaznak étkezési szolgáltatást.

ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy

ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy
1 session
10 200
ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy
5 sessions
42 000
ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy
10 sessions
72 000

How does ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy work?

High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) is a modern therapeutic method that uses lasers to reduce pain and inflammation and accelerate the healing process. HILT emits high-energy, pulsating laser beams that penetrate deeply into tissues, stimulating cell activity and speeding up the healing process.

The ASA M6 MLS laser therapy device (Multiwave Locked System) emits a homogeneous laser from six laser sources, providing immediate deep effects. The laser reduces the permeability of cell walls to ions involved in nerve stimulation and pain signal transmission. The treatment head’s 3D positioning can be supplemented with two additional probes, increasing its efficiency for treating small to medium-sized areas.

The device’s main robotic head is controlled via an advanced user interface, requiring only therapist supervision for safe, efficient, and autonomous treatment after setting parameters and monitoring patient progress. This technology is part of the latest generation, making it one of the most modern elements of our equipment park. Given the emphasis on social distancing due to the viral situation, this device was designed with that detail in mind. There is no need for physical contact between the patient and either the doctor or the device itself, thus minimizing the risk of infection.

The main robotic head of the ASA M6 MLS Laser Therapy system is controlled via an advanced user interface, allowing the therapist to perform the treatment safely, effectively, and autonomously once the parameters are set and the patient’s progress is monitored. This technique belongs to the newest generation, making it one of the most modern elements of our equipment park. Due to the importance of social distancing amid the viral situation, this device was designed with such details in mind. It requires no physical contact between the patient and either the doctor or the device itself, thus minimizing the potential risk of infection.

The ASA M6 MLS device can be used to treat the following conditions:
  • Musculoskeletal Issues: Joint inflammation, arthrosis, tendinitis, bursitis, muscle pain, sports injuries
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Wound healing, scarring
  • Neurological Issues: Post-stroke rehabilitation, neuritis
  • Dermatological Issues: Acne, eczema, psoriasis
  • Otolaryngological Issues: Nasal congestion, ear pain, sinusitis

Laser therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment with few side effects. The treatment is painless and typically of short duration.

ASA Easy Quattro Pro mágneses terápia
1 alkalom
10 200
ASA Easy Quattro Pro mágneses terápia
5 alkalom
42 000
ASA Easy Quattro Pro mágneses terápia
10 alkalom
72 000

mágneses terápia hasonlóan a lézeres terápiához. Pulzáló hatást vált ki rendkívül alacsony frekvencián, mellyel mélyen a testbe tud hatolni, elérve az izomrostokat, csontokat és idegeket, így kifejtve hatását.

Az ASA Easy Quattro Pro ergonomikusan kialakított és könnyen használható, köszönhetően az innovatív kialakításának.

Bármely testrész kezelésére képes a gerinctől a végtagokon át az agyig. Mágneses mezője a test hossztengelyével párhuzamosan jön létre a mágnesszelepek segítségével, vagy merőleges irányban a Flexa applikátorok alkalmazásával.

Az Easy Quattro Pro ötféle pozíció beállítására alkalmas, ezek más és más területek kezelésére szolgálnak, és kombinálásuk is megoldható többféle probléma fennállásának esetén. Ez utóbbiak remekül kezelik a lokalizált eljárást igénylő eseteket a rugalmasságuknak köszönhetően. Opcionális kiegészítők is csatlakoztathatóak hozzá, akár négy ágyat is össze lehet kapcsolni, melyek közül kettő automatikus üzemódban működik. Az automata változat esetén az elektromechanikus rendszer egy speciális mikroprocesszor által automatikusan elhelyezi a mágnesszelepeket a kezelendő felületen, majd a terápia végén visszaáll a kiindulási helyzetébe, így időt takarít meg a szakorvosnak.

Az ASA Easy Quattro Pro  kézi változat esetén könnyű a mozgatása a szelepeknek az alumínium vezetők által adott csúszásnak köszönhetően, mely biztonsági zárral van ellátva, hogy a továbbiakban véletlenül se mozdulhasson el.

Hangjelzéssel figyelmeztet a kezelés kezdete és befejezése pillanatában. Mindez a legnagyobb kényelemben, fekvő pozícióban történik a páciensnek.

Szabadon kombinálható más terápiákkal a gyorsabb gyógyulás elérése érdekében.

Fájdalommentes, gyors és eredményes terápia, mely segítséget nyújt a csont- és ízületi problémák, ínelváltozások, gyulladások, törések, vagy akár a migrén kezelésében, valamint az immunrendszer intenzív stimulálására is alkalmas. Hatalmas segítséget tud nyújtani tehát különböző területeknek, mint például a fizikoterápia, reumatológia, sportorvoslás, ortopédia, traumatológia, geriátria.

A mágneses jeleket egyáltalán nem zavarja a különböző nadrágtartók, övek, gipszek, külső vagy belső rögzítő eszközök, ehhez csupán egy speciális értékelés szükséges. A kényelmet mindemellett az is biztosítja, hogy nem szükséges levetkőzni hozzá, ruhán keresztül sem veszít hatékonyságából, így a páciens sem kerül feszélyező szituációba.

ASA Easy Quattro Pro működés közben.

Carbon Dioxide Therapy

Carbon Dioxide Therapy
1 session
10 200
Carbon Dioxide Therapy
5 sessions
45 000
Carbon Dioxide Therapy
10 sessions
75 000

Carbon dioxide therapy is based on the mofetta effect. Mofetta is a geological phenomenon related to volcanic activity, where gas rich in carbon dioxide erupts from deep within the soil. Naturally occurring mofettas have been known for centuries and have been used for their observed beneficial effects. These natural dry mofettas contain a mix of gases including methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and radon isotopes, predominantly carbon dioxide, which is recognized for its beneficial effects. Utilizing special devices, carbon dioxide dry baths are also made available at designated service locations.

During the treatment with carbon dioxide gas, the gas enters the circulation through the skin, not only improving general well-being but also helping conditions where increased local blood flow and tissue oxygenation through improved microcirculation are expected. Additionally, the general vasodilatory effect of carbon dioxide is beneficial for the body’s functioning.

The absorbed gas causes local blood vessels in the skin to dilate, enhancing capillary circulation and increasing blood flow speed. These hemodynamic changes are well demonstrated by capillary microscopy, but the peripheral vascular reaction during the “bath” can also be visibly observed on the skin surface. The increase in blood volume flowing through the skin capillaries is rapid and significant, beginning around the 7th to 8th minute of treatment and peaking between the 10th and 20th minutes. The effects are a result of both absorbed and inhaled CO2. The surface temperature of the body can increase by 1.6 to 4 degrees Celsius, indicating the dilation of subcutaneous capillaries.

The general effect of the carbon dioxide absorbed through the skin on circulation includes dilation of the vessels and the dissolution of carbon dioxide in the blood plasma. Approximately 15 minutes after treatment, a noticeable and measurable increase in blood flow speed can be observed. The venous blood and lymph return also intensifies as more blood circulates within the system.

The favorable effects of the carbon dioxide dry bath can be utilized as complementary treatments for certain vascular and musculoskeletal conditions, as well as to prevent or supplement treatments for persistent diabetes-related circulatory conditions. It can be stated that the increased tissue circulation, improved oxygenation, venous and lymph flow enhancement can potentially improve the blood supply to all organs.

The effects manifest as increased local blood flow and subsequent tissue oxygenation, which can be beneficial for chronic wound treatment, ischemia, revascularization, prevention of peripheral arterial diseases, improving microcirculation and oxygen supply in the skin, and generally in areas of musculoskeletal rehabilitation (such as bruised joints, injuries, regeneration, and improving tissue oxygenation).

What to Know About the Treatment

The dry carbon dioxide treatment is conducted similarly to natural mofettas, in loose clothing. Carbon dioxide gas flows into the cabin in a controlled manner, maintaining a consistent concentration. During and after the treatment, the body’s blood vessels slightly dilate, improving blood circulation and decreasing blood pressure, while also causing the skin’s capillaries to expand, resulting in a pleasant warmth.

What is the Mofetta Effect?

Mofetta is a geological phenomenon linked to volcanic activity, where gas rich in carbon dioxide erupts from deep within the earth. Naturally occurring mofettas, known for centuries and used for their beneficial effects based on observations, are found in places like Kovászna, Tusnádfürdő, Bálványos, Balnas, Hargitafürdő, Buziasfürdő, Borsa, and Oláhszentgyörgy in Romania.

Special devices also make carbon dioxide dry baths available at designated service locations.

When is Carbon Dioxide Treatment Recommended?

The therapy should always be prescribed by a physician, ideally requiring participation in ten treatments within a month following medical indication.

The treatment is advised for:

  • Lower limb arterial circulation issues (non-healing leg ulcers, sensory disturbances, leg cramps)
  • Claudication (pain caused by too little blood flow during exercise)
  • Peripheral venous diseases and lymphatic circulation disorders
  • Vascular diseases associated with diabetes and neuropathies
  • Accelerating healing after trauma
  • Skin diseases caused by poor circulation
  • Erectile dysfunction

When is Carbon Dioxide Dry Bath Not Recommended or Prohibited?

  • Under 150 cm in height
  • Under 18 years of age
  • In febrile conditions
  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • In acute illnesses
  • In infectious diseases
  • During menstruation

Generally, in cases where a warm water bath is not advised. Health conditions that exclude treatment are listed in Annex 3 of the 5/2004. (XI. 19.) EüM regulation.

How is the Treatment Conducted?

The recommended duration for a carbon dioxide dry bath is generally 20-30 minutes. While the effects of a single treatment can be felt, for desired results, treatments are recommended in courses of 10-15 sessions, which should be repeated every six months.

The device can be used in light clothing without shoes. Carbon dioxide easily penetrates the clothing, so only thicker garments need to be removed, while light clothing does not affect the effectiveness.

General Effects of Carbon Dioxide Absorbed Through the Skin and Entering the Circulation

The general effect of carbon dioxide absorbed through the skin on circulation includes the dilation of blood vessels and the effects of carbon dioxide that has entered and dissolved in the blood plasma. Approximately 15 minutes after treatment, an increase in the speed of blood flow can be significantly felt and measured. In the body, the return flow of venous blood and lymph also increases because more blood is circulating.

The beneficial effects of the carbon dioxide dry bath can be utilized based on medical recommendations for supplementary treatments related to vascular and musculoskeletal conditions, as well as for preventing or complementing treatments for persistent conditions of diabetes-related circulatory issues. It can be stated that the increased tissue circulation, improved oxygenation, and enhanced venous and lymph flow consequently improve the blood supply to all organs.

The effects manifest in increased local blood flow and subsequent tissue oxygenation, which can be beneficial for treating chronic wounds, ischemia, revascularization, preventing peripheral arterial diseases, improving microcirculation and oxygen supply in the skin, and generally in areas of musculoskeletal rehabilitation (such as bruising, injuries, regeneration of joints, and improvement of tissue oxygenation).

Medical aids/consultation

Medical aids/consultation
with a doctor, physiotherapist, and orthopedic technician
13 500
(Prescription writing is included in the price. If the device is not prescribed because the patient does not require it, the medical consultation fee is also payable, an additional 20,000 HUF.)

Medical devices play a crucial role in the healing process and rehabilitation, improving patients’ quality of life.

A medical device is considered any equipment given to a person with temporary or permanent health impairment or disability for personal use, which does not require the continuous presence of a person with medical qualifications during use.

In Hungary, the range of medical devices is divided into two main groups from the perspective of social insurance (OEP) support and pricing: “non-supported” devices, i.e., those not receiving public funding, and devices admitted to social insurance support. Health insurance provides support for the price, repair, or rental fees of supported devices (so-called price support) if the device is prescribed by a doctor on a prescription with the appropriate support code and other data.

The price of medical devices supported by health insurance is determined by the distributor, and the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK) decides on the acceptance of the price support following a multifaceted health policy and cost-effectiveness examination. The price of “non-supported” medical devices is determined by the manufacturer or the distributor.

Every patient receives an individual rehabilitation plan depending on their condition, determined by medical examination/assessment.

Please arrive on time for treatments, as our professionals see clients consecutively, making it crucial to adhere to scheduled times. Note that the reserved time is the start time of the treatment.

In case of lateness, our staff may not be able to complete the treatment. Consequently, the treatment will be shorter than planned, and the missed part cannot be “made up” later. The following rules apply for rescheduling or canceling appointments:

  • Appointments can be rescheduled or canceled free of charge if done at least 24 hours before the treatment.
  • If canceled or rescheduled within 24 hours before the treatment, a fee of 50% of the treatment price will be charged.
  • If canceled within 2 hours of the treatment start time or no cancellation is made, the full treatment price will be charged.
  • Cancellation due to illness is exempt from extra charges with a medical certificate.

Our center reserves the right to change prices due to expanding services.